Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fear not . . . He is with you

Real life can be hard . . . really hard!!
We watch helplessly as those we love battle illness, old age and death. We hold our breath anxiously as we try to grow our families . . . our futures . . . amid a world filled with evil. We struggle to fit in, to feel understood and at the same time, to be understanding. We feel lonely even though we may stand in a room full of people. We feel overwhelmed by all that we feel we have to do. Like a billboard flashing in the darkness, our shortcomings point the finger of reproach at us.
We work, we push, we strive . . . we do all that we can to get ahead – to do better, to be better. We turn to healthy eating plans, budgets, to-do lists, new year’s resolutions, self help books, financial planners, therapists and sadly sometimes drugs, alcohol, food or gambling, all in a desperate bid to try to cope with life. Yes, real life can be hard. Some of these strategies can be helpful – but they can also become slave masters that keep us trapped in despair. You see, the answers to life’s problems are not to be found in the mad rush of mortal life alone.
The truth is that the answers to life’s challenges can only be discovered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Heavenly Father knew that we would despair and in Isaiah 41:10 He tells us:
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
I love that scripture – the vision of my Heavenly Father holding me up as I struggle against the demands of my life has become a reality as I have turned to Him in prayer. What a powerful promise that we do not need to fear nor dismay . . . He is our God and will strengthen and help us when our knees buckle, our courage fails and our heart is heavy.
We don’t have to do it alone!!
We have an all powerful Father in Heaven who loves each of us and wants to help us. He won’t force Himself into our lives though – he waits . . . patiently he waits . . . until we invite him to help us. So how? How do we get His help?
The answer is powerful in it's simplicity. The answer is: Prayer. All we need to do is to close our eyes, turn to our Heavenly Father . . . and speak.
Tell Him the thoughts of your heart, share your worries, your fears, your hopes and your dreams. Ask Him to support you, help you and strengthen you – and the ones that you love. Invite Him to be a part of your life – to lead you and guide you in all of your life decisions. And don't ever stop turning to Him in prayer.
Through daily prayer, I have invited Him to be a continual part of my life and have felt Him strengthen me, help me and . . . when the storms of life have threatened to overtake me, I have felt His arms wrap around me and hold me up in my darkest hour. You can too . . .
Fear not . . . He is with you!!

1 comment:

  1. What a powerful scripture! I love it! We sometimes forget that God, the Almighty God is also a loving Father to his children. Any estrangement we feel from the Father is one sided, and he waits for the child to establish contact again. Oh how he must ache at times, wanting to help, having the answers, knowing he can provide relief and support but unable to provide the deliverance unless it is accessed by us, through him. I love singing that scripture in the verse of How Firm our Foundation. Singing it makes it that much more powerful.
