Friday, March 16, 2012

Repetition. And Repeat.

We don't want to teach everything at once
and we don't want to teach things only once.

I heard this piece of advice from the pulpit this week.

It spoke to my heart!

Sometimes parenting can seem alot of the same! I sometimes wonder how many times of doing a said thing will it take before the child takes correct behaviour on board. To me the parent, it seems an awful lot!!

I remember saying once to a child of mine "You have been to church every single sunday of your entire life {short 6 years} and you still haven't learnt that you need to just sit still and be quiet, When are you going to learn this?"

But of course these principles apply to adults too.

Yes, how many times will it take for me to learn......

{daily scripture study is important, humility, not to critisize, gossip, to be quiet and listen to others, to go the extra mile in helping, insert any personal values here}

Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf mentioned this topic in regards to conference

Don’t discount a message merely because it sounds familiar.

Prophets have always taught by repetition; it is a law of learning. You will hear repetition in themes and doctrines in general conference. Let me reassure you: this is not due to a lack of creativity or imagination. We continue to hear messages on similar issues because the Lord is teaching and impressing upon our minds and hearts certain foundational principles of great eternal importance that must be understood and acted upon before we can move on to other things.

A wise builder first lays the foundation before erecting the walls and the roof.

We have our Stake Conference happening this weekend.
You're Invited! So come along!
{27 Delancy St Cleveland: Saturday 6-8pm and Sunday 10am-12pm}
It will be a pleasure to attend with the above words of advice reminding me. It may be something I have heard before, but it will be as a loving parent stalwartly waiting with gentle words of inspiration. It will be familar, it will be comfort and it will be a main springboard from which I can jump from to receive extra revelation for myself and my family.

In an Ensign Article regarding the Old testament we see that

Those who thoughtfully study the scriptures recognize the repetition of certain themes. This repetition serves a twofold purpose: to instruct and to prepare. First, because the prophet’s audience often did not maintain their faithfulness to prophetic word, that message was constantly repeated to them, with warnings of judgment and punishment. Prophets continually reminded their audience to become God’s true children, who would faithfully fulfill his plan. By following prophetic counsel, the people removed themselves from the corruptions of the world and prepared themselves to enter into a covenant relationship as God’s people and ambassadors

Repetition ingrains gospel principles in our minds and hearts.

Teach and live the first principles of the gospel, and let the mysteries of heaven wait until you get to heaven.
Like the frequent singing of our songs, we can never repeat too often the commandments of the Lord to this people, and urge upon the Saints to live up to them.
Very many times people have said to me, “I am sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. There is no need of repeating.” Many men find fault with the sermons they hear because there are repetitions in them.

It seems that the Lord recognizes the necessity of repetition in impressing upon the minds of the people any message that he has to give. Our Savior, in his teaching, would repeat, time and time again, in different language the same idea, apparently to fasten it irrevocably upon the minds and hearts of his hearers.

This is why we can feel better when we start our days with {good} repetition. A day started with prayer, scripture study and meditation and serving others ~ these simple things become a repetition which creates a power within us that keeps us afloat. A power that strengthens, guides and carries us.

I repeat  "I love You" and leave each child with a kiss daily.
This is to teach them pure love so they will take it to heart and carry it with them forever.

I repeatly try to be a good and loving parent daily.
The better my repetitions in my relationship with them the easier it will be for them to understand a Loving Father in Heaven looking upon them, bestowing them with all things needed as I do.

I repeatedly teach the simple truths of the gospel.
This makes it easier for them to take on the deeper words of the gospel when it will be presented to them.

Instead of mundane  I can choose to think of my parental repetitions as searing into their hearts and minds eternal truths of a most important nature.

Just as by the repetition they need, I too am being taught from by on High by carrying them out.

Much of life is repetitive. There is a reason.

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